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EFT Script | Build Love & Self Worth

Writer's picture: Monique ElouiseMonique Elouise

The following is an adapted self-love & self-worth script from Maryjane Henning, which is a great tool for working through moments of low self-esteem, worthiness, feelings of lack and not feeling good enough. It happens to all of us, but we also all have the power to utilise somatic (mind-body connection) tools to shift, process, and integrate energy and emotions - good and bad.

This process is perfect for those of you going through uncomfortable shifts, changing jobs, changing lives and shifting into a more authentic version of you that harnesses doubt through fear of the unknown. EFT (emotional freedom technique) and tapping are tools I often use in client coaching sessions as needed, because it empowers YOU to become your own healer and land into your authentic self, and at the core, that is my souls mission in this incarnation.

EFT can assist with:

  • Deep relaxation

  • Coming back into the body instead of letting the mind run wild with thoughts

  • Empowers YOU to become in control of your inner script

  • Settles your nervous system

  • Calms your mind enough to rewrite the stories you've created or held since childhood

  • Develops greater self-awareness

While taping you are focusing on the language, mindful of the feeling, and the physical process of tapping lowers the stress response - so it is a great strategy to use when you are trying to release the pain of anxiety and feelings of low self-esteem!

Self Love Script

The following script is meant to enhance feelings of self-worth and build self-esteem. It is a great way to start your morning, or end your evening. I challenge you to do it daily for 21 days to honour your experience of where you are, and where you want to be - a key to manifesting the life you want to create . It will also support you in giving yourself permission to just be you, fully, authentically, YOU.

Below is an image of the tapping points, starting with the Karate Chop Point (KC), on the side of the hand (left hand for right handed people and vice versa for lefty's). When you start with the script, start here (KC point) and tap for about 7-10 times on each sentence within the script that has a KC next to it.

Take a couple of deep breaths, check in and see if you can bring to mind some of the feeling around not being good enough. Feel into it, reminding yourself that darkness is purely the ansence of light. Remember we need to focus on the negative to clear it. Rate how high the feeling of distress is on a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest level of distress.

The rest of the points are below:

You can read more about tapping by clicking the image above.

First Round - Feeling Into Doubt:

Start with the Karate Chop Point now, and then just move through the points as you read each line or when it feels right to move to the next point;

KC: Even though I sometimes worry about what others think of me I am open to accepting myself completely.

KC: Even though I often feel like I am not good enough I am open to becoming more loving towards myself.

KC: Even though I often over analyze everything I have done and said in social situations I am open to letting go of all that self judgment and criticism and learn to love and accept myself completely.

I worry about what others think of me.

I feel like others are always judging me.

I don’t think I am good enough why should others?

I am afraid I won’t know what to say when I meet someone new.

It’s better to be alone than deal with the anxiety of a new situation.

I worry about what others think of me.

I worry that I will say something stupid.

Or worse that I won’t know what to say at all.

I spend so much time in my head anticipating the worst case scenario.

I feel like others are judging me.

I won’t know what to say when I meet someone new.

What if they think I’m boring.

I often think the worst about myself.

So why should I expect something different from others.

All this worry and fear.

All of this self-criticism and judgment.

Check in: You can just keep going through the statements or stop and check in here, if you are feeling really emotional just keep tapping through the statements.) Take a deep breath and see how it feels. If it feels lighter and you think you are ready to give yourself permission to let some of this worry go, move onto the next section. If you are still at a 5 or above, (feeling like it is at least 50% true or higher that you are not good enough), then go back and tap some more on the negative. You want to be a 4 or less to move on.

Second Round – Give Yourself Permission:

Starting at the Eyebrow point and then moving downward through the points, ending at the top of the head/crown with each line:

I am open to the possibility of relaxing around some of these thoughts and letting them go.

Would it be okay for me to just let go of some of the worry and fear?

Even if I said something stupid, it wouldn’t be the end of the world.

I’m open to the possibility that I can feel more relaxed around people.

I am open to the possibility that I can connect with others.

I am open to the possibility that I am good enough.

It’s okay for me to be human and make mistakes, I release the need to always look good.

I give myself permission to let go of some of this worry about what others think.

I am open to the possibility that it isn’t as bad as I think it is.

I give myself permission to believe that I am likable.

I am open to the possibility that others won’t judge me as badly as I fear.

I give myself permission to believe I am enough.

I am open to the possibility that I can be myself and that’s enough.

I give myself permission to like myself.

I give myself permission to believe I am lovable.

I give myself permission to not worry about what others think.

I am open to the possibility that I am good enough.

I give myself permission to be kinder to myself.

I am open to the possibility that I can stop seeing the worst in me and focus on the good that is.

I am open to embracing and accepting all of me.

I give myself permission to embrace, accept, and love all of me.

Check in: Take a deep breath and check in, How does that feel. Are you in a place of openness and willingness to accept yourself as you are and believe that others could as well. If so move onto the final set of tapping sentences, if not go through the above phrases at least one more time.

Find Freedom Within | Book A Clarity Call

Round Three – Choosing Something Better

Starting at the eyebrow point again and moving through the points;

I Choose to allow myself to see me through a new lens.

I choose to know that I am good enough.

I choose to know that I am okay even if someone doesn’t like me.

I choose to believe that I am lovable.

I choose to love myself fully and unconditionally.

I choose to release the negative self talk and criticism, I replace it with kind and patient self talk.

I choose to see myself through a lens of self compassion.

I choose to love myself fully.

I choose to believe that I am good enough.

I choose to release the worry about what others think.

I choose to believe that others will see me as good enough.

I choose to believe that I add value to others just by being myself.

I choose to believe in myself.

I choose to believe I am perfect just the way I am.

I choose to let go of self judgment and focus on what is good about myself.

I choose to be my own cheerleader and share my gifts with others.

I choose to let go of past conditioning and believe in myself.

I choose to focus on loving myself and letting go of what others think.

I choose to focus on what is right about the situation and let go of the fear.

I choose to embrace all of me just as I am.

Check In: Now check in, how does that feel. Does it feel like it is possible? Hopefully there is a feeling that it is possible. If not, that’s okay. You planted a seed. I would encourage you to go through these 3 rounds for at least the next 10 days (the next 30 would be even better). Have some patience with yourself, you didn’t develop these feelings overnight and some of them are pretty strong, so stick with it and give it a chance. I suggest now to write down or acknowledge how you're feeling on a scale of 1-10, and utilise this script for the next 2q days to watch it change your inner world - thus, creating change in the manifested reality of your outer world!

Love & light,

Monique Elouise

P.s. feel free to rewrite any of the statements to connect with your own language in a positive way that works for you. Need help creating a bigger shift? Check out my services pages and book in your Initial Consultation and Intuitive Energy Healing Treatment from anywhere in the world.


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